

Out 28 April!

New Album from SPOONMAN

This album gains my seal of approval and maybe mandatory listening… ” - 9/10

Metal Temple

De setter Surnadal på kartet med denne skiva, men de fortjener vel å få være med å sette Norge på kartet også, med fet og groovy hardrock. ”

The Wilhelmsens

The News Blog

4 becomes 3 

Our lead guitarist Ola has decided to leave the band. No har feelings. Still good friends. 
A lot of thinking and talk about the need of new guitarist, but we came down to try out as a 3-piece band. This made it all a bit harder for me as frontman to take over Ola's solos. I thought that this time I maybe could relax a bit more on stage :) All in all, this is a super, but tough challenge for me. But it's looking good for next years release gig. Things are feeling more comfortable now. See ya! 



Finally!! We got signed to the record label Rob Mules Records!! We are super happy to be onboard and can't wait to get on with our new album. This takes shitloads of weight of sPoonman's shoulders and means we can focus more on our music and less on marketing and all the work an album release would have. Thank you so much for signing us Rob Mules Records! 


Back to the drawing board 


We´re back!
Started the arrangement of a new song for our upcoming album. You should be exited about this because it's going to blow your mind. Really! Keeping it busy with arranging and rehearsing the 10 new songs plus "12th of March" we have before we hit the studio in the summer. We'll keep you updated! Good shit is happening soon!


Yes we did it! We just hit 1000 followers on Facebook. Might not sound much, but it means the world to us. What's next?.... Well I'll tell you in a bit!


A week has gone...'s been a week since we released our single "12th of March" now. That was fun. And you seem to like this musical direction even more :) Thnx to all of you who listen, comment and share our music. We really appreciate that :) Keep doing that!
It's been a week, but damn...I thought I would be a bit more off the Mac after the release, but it is so much to do. I really hope one day we get a management for us to do all this. Really don't care that it cost balls, cause it takes up all my time. Need to focus on new music, and try to get some gigs and get money for our upcoming album. 
Will do my best to get done with the rest of promo stuff today and start practising again. Need to keep everything in shape. Not much more to say really, just been a boring week behind the screen. One thing happened though. I got a package in the mail from! I got my custom slipmat for my turntable! Heck yeah! Have a nice weekend folks!


12th of March out NOW!!! 

We are so stoked to finally present to you our latest single "12th of March" We really hope you enjoy it! And please, do your thing to mention us to others that might like this kind of music. It does not take too much effort to put it in a playlist of yours or just share the song somewhere. Everything You do is a tremendous help for us to reach for our goal! A lot of good words have already reached us, and we thank you for sending out this love! Stay cool! Have a beer and party on with the new tune this weekend and forever!


LINK TO "12th of March"


Yes it's here. I've (sPoon) been working on this site quite intense for over a week now, so it is. Hope you like it and that you would like to subscribe for more news and stuff. Feel free to comment, ask us anything. I've done my best and I must say I don't like doing shit like this. Too much new things to learn when you rather just want to play, and make more music! 

This was just a short one but I promise to get here more often to write about what's going on with sPoonman. 


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We promise we won't fill up your mail box. But we will try to reach out when new stuff is happening.
We welcome you to The sPoonman Army

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